Nicolas Narcisse

Executive Vice President

Nicolas Narcisse

For the past twenty years, Nicolas has been convinced that there will be no sustainable performance of companies without the will to have a positive influence on society.   After studying public law and political science, Nicolas published his doctoral thesis in 2002, "L'entreprise face au tribunal de l'opinion, modélisation des débats sociaux impliquant les entreprises en Sciences de l'information et de la communication" at CELSA. He joined i&e in 1999 as a crisis communication consultant.  Nicolas joined TBWACORPORATE in 2003 to develop WATCH, an entity dedicated to business consulting and focused on new approaches at the crossroads of economic intelligence and communication consulting.  In 2007, he co-founded the ELAN agency dedicated to the influence of companies, brands and managers. ELAN grew from 4 to a hundred employees in a few years, including a lobbying firm in Brussels (EURALIA) bought in 2012, and an entity in London. He published "Le devoir d'influence", published by Odile Jacob (2013), as well as numerous articles dedicated to reputation management and corporate social influence. In 2015, the partners of ELAN sold their shareholding to the EDELMAN Group and created ELAN EDELMAN and took over the management of this new international agency in Paris. Nicolas Narcisse becomes Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of this entity gathering more than 150 collaborators.  In 2017, Nicolas created THE PURPOSE PROJECT, a strategic and creative consulting firm including the think-tank, THINKERS & DOERS dedicated to positive business transformation.   Since 2019, Nicolas is Executive Vice President of Havas Paris. There, he develops new approaches to support Havas clients in the positive transformation of their models and develop a new culture of engagement.  In this capacity, he created #NEWDEAL,, a think tank that brings together more than 1,500 contributors, including Havas employees, executives, and leaders from the economic, institutional and civil society worlds.   Every week, this think tank organizes events on themes related to new practices aimed at reconciling the search for economic performance and positive impact.   Nicolas supervises some fifteen major accounts such as Saint-Gobain, L'Oréal, CMA CGM, Bel Group... and accompanies top executives.