Stéphanie Prunier

Partner & Head of Havas Legal & Litigation

Bat 7328 Ret Stéphanie

Stéphanie Prunier created Havas Legal & Litigation in 2014, a department provides strategic advice on crisis management in situations involving high-stakes litigation. Our team is made up of lawyers and communications experts with strong experience defending clients facing proceedings with great media impact. Stéphanie Prunier holds a postgraduate qualification in General Private Law and was a lecturer in the Faculty of Law at Tours from 1992 to 1995 and at Paris II Panthéon-Assas from 2004 to 2007. Stéphanie Prunier joined Havas as Partner in 2010, coming from the Ministry of Defence, where she advised the French Defence Minister for 3 years. She has extensive experience across all aspects of corporate communications, advising many CAC 40 companies. To protect her clients' reputation, she works with the best law firms on the market, building partnerships on GDPR, class action, e-reputation, corruption, and restructuring.